Chapter 4 Part 2 Progress

Greetings from Queen Mist and Queen Dani!

  It's been a few weeks since we provided an update on how the next Last One Standing: Royal Massacre release is coming along! And we must say, quite a bit has changed in that time.

  At the point of our last devlog, we were just getting started, a couple weeks into production due to the delays created by finishing up an editing project we'd taken on prior to chapter 4 part 1's release. The writing has been done for months now, but the artwork and coding were still in their earlier stages.

  Now, we've made massive strides! Let's take a look at where everything is, shall we?

Coding - Since the last update, everything has been completed on this end! The investigation and a portion of the conference had been coded then; now, the entire conference is finished, as well as everything that comes after it. Even the bonus scenes have been taken care of! So have all of the many minigames that can be found throughout the conference.

Testing - The first stage of testing (which primarily focuses on general proofreading and ensuring that everything functions) is almost as far along as it can be. The investigation and conference segments have both been checked; all that must be done is everything that follows the conference (which will not be possible until the Royal Execution is complete). And, of course, making sure the bonus scenes work. Which is always fun, given that they never do. We'll have that to look forward to soon!

Artwork - The second halves of chapters are always a major ordeal from this angle. Our artist (Dani) has to juggle minigame assets, the Royal Execution, and whatever CGs might be needed. She's been keeping up the pace well, but there's still a long way to go. All of the minigame assets are done, as well as the CGs during the conference; it is just the after-conference CGs and the Royal Execution that must be tackled still! She's finished the sketches for the latter, but finalizing everything is going to take a lot of time.

  As you can see, we're coming nearer to the end of this part with every week that passes, though the finish line is still quite far from our reach. Our hope is to have everything done and ready to be put out by the end of the summer! We don't know how realistic that is yet, so as time goes on, we'll provide more accurate estimations for when the next release might be.

  In the meantime, you'll have more updates to look forward to soon! We still intend to discuss the content of this portion, both the storyline and the gameplay, so stay tuned!

Get Last One Standing: Royal Massacre

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