Full Game Writing Complete!

Greetings from Queen Mist and Queen Dani!

  If our last announcement wasn't major enough, this one will certainly do the trick! After all, it's not just another progress update or release date; this one has to do with the entirety of Last One Standing: Royal Massacre.

  As you may know, the game's prologue (demo) came out four years ago, in August 2020. We began writing it a few months prior to that, the project itself beginning in April/May. In this time, we’ve put in a dedicated effort to work on it as often as possible, every single day unless other circumstances arose to prevent it (or we were planning a new chapter following the completion of the previous one, of course).

  Now, however, we’ll never have to worry about that again one way or another. Because…

  The writing for Last One Standing: Royal Massacre is officially complete!

  Earlier in the week, we wrapped up the final scene in chapter 6 part 2–and as those of you who have kept up with our content would know, the game was only set to have six chapters in total. The conclusion has been reached at long last! How does the storyline end, you may be wondering? You’ll have to wait to find out! After all, even though the writing is done, we’re still quite far behind with production! Chapter 4 will be brought to a close by the end of the month, but there are still two full chapters to make afterwards before the whole thing will be finished.

  We can’t possibly tell you how crazy it feels to say this! After four years of consistent work, a spot in our day will now be vacant going forward. No more script-writing obligation! On one hand, it’s freeing, but on the other, it’s a somewhat empty sense. These characters have been with us nearly every day for all this time, and now we’ll never write them again. We do have the comfort of the fact that, again, production is far from done, but this aspect will still be missed to some extent.

  All in all, it’s quite bittersweet. This marks the end of an era, a goodbye to something we’ve known and loved for all of our recent years—yet it also opens the doors for infinite possibilities. We can move forward into new ventures, try something different rather than being bound to the same story! We have been cooking up some other project ideas for a while, so maybe it’s about time we bring those to life?

  We can’t wait to see where the next phase of our game development journey takes us! We’ve had so much fun so far, gained so much experience; what might come now? We hope you’ll stick around for the ride!

Get Last One Standing: Royal Massacre

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