Chapter 4 Part 2 RELEASED!

Greetings from Queen Mist and Queen Dani!

  Today is the day! September 28th has arrived, which means that a certain something else has arrived too~. We’ve been looking forward to this for the last few months, and we hope you have, too!

  Last One Standing: Royal Massacre chapter 4 part 2 is officially available for download! After almost five months of hard work, everything is ready for you all to see. This means that the game’s fourth chapter has come to a close, too! Our next order of business will be to begin producing chapter 5 part 1—the second to last chapter of the game, and fourth to last update overall. It’s crazy to think how close we are to the end!

  For the moment, though, we ought to focus on what’s here right now! With chapter 4 part 2 out, you may be wondering what’s in store for you. Well, here’s an idea!


  After the disastrous third conference, it’s safe to say that the Court never wanted to return to that room again. Every court scandal has been horrific, but the losses that resulted from this one only doubled the tragedy of it all. However, the worst has come to pass again; instead of losing one innocent life, two have been sacrificed—before the conference could even begin.

  The stakes are so much higher now, with the court scandal having two victims. But morale is so much lower. Kostya and the others have seen that success in the conference is far from guaranteed, and experienced firsthand what devastation its alternative can cause. On one hand, this provides extra motivation to pull through, to keep fighting until the end—but on the other, it’s all the more impossible with that level of pressure hanging over everyone’s heads.

  Only seven people remain to solve this case, with one among them being the killer. The odds, it seems, are not in the Court’s favor. To make matters worse, throughout the entire process of their investigation session, practically no evidence was unearthed that might indicate who is guilty. Weapons, blood, sure—but what does it mean? Can a murder case be solved with only that?

  It appears as though all hope may be lost once again, before the conference can truly begin. That is, until the emergence of a new finding shakes the foundations of the conference—and the competition as they’ve known it up to this point.


  Being the second half of a chapter, this release contains more interactive components than the previous one.

  As always, this begins with an investigation. In this time, it is your job to help Kostya examine every relevant room in search of clues to solve this murder case. Look at any items that may be out of place, talk to everyone else in the room to try to extract statements, and study the victims’ bodies. There may be important evidence hidden in any of these areas!

  The main attraction comes in the form of the conference itself. The conference is, in essence, a quiz for the players. Beginning with 100 points, you must answer many questions throughout, losing 5 to 10 points for every error. Should your points fall below the number indicated in the Conference Rules menu, you will lose the ability to unlock the chapter’s bonus scenes—exclusive scenes focused on the victim and the King’s Champion of the case.

  That’s not all, though! The fun doesn’t end there! Outside of the questions, each conference is full of minigames, interactive segments that may require you to do anything from recalling past events to participating in a round of Hangman or Match-Three. Which is to say, some are more challenging, while others are just entertaining little breaks from the heavy matters of the plot, serving as visual representations of Kostya’s thoughts.

  This conference brings back a bunch of old games—but it also has some fresh ones for you to try out! Try your best, and most importantly, have fun! Some are more difficult than others, but don’t be concerned; they don’t affect your overall score in the conference.


  We’ve been working on this part for a while, so we’re glad it’s finally out! We can’t wait for you to see it. Spoiler alert, it’s the most pivotal update yet~. The content of this portion furthers the storyline quite significantly, including tons of shocking revelations and twists! For those of you who have been following Last One Standing, trust us when we say you won’t want to miss this!

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