Starting Chapter 4 Part 2!

Greetings from Queen Mist and Queen Dani!

  It has now been a full month since we released chapter 4 part 1! We hope you've all been enjoying the new content. In our opinion, it's one of the most exciting parts yet, so if you haven't checked it out, we recommend you do!

  Ordinarily, we would start working on the next update as soon as we put something out, but this time, we couldn't do that. After all, we had chapter 1 part 1 edits to contend with. (We didn't discuss them here, though if you're curious what the reason behind them was, we've elaborated a bit more on Twitter and TikTok!) That set us back an extra week or so -- but at long last, we've been able to dive into the production of chapter 4 part 2! Well, okay, we've been working on it for a little while, but things have been picking up lately.

  As has been the case with the last couple of parts we've put out, the writing was all done far in advance. Actually, we're fairly close to being done with Last One Standing: Royal Massacre's script altogether. Midway through chapter 6 part 1! So we don't have to worry about that; our attention can remain focused especially on coding and artwork.

  Because this is the second half of a chapter, it will contain a conference. This means it's full of minigames, and ends off with a Royal Execution. Translation: Both the coder and the artist will have their hands a bit fuller than they do during part 1 production. We're trying to keep this process speedy so we don't find ourselves stuck releasing at the end of the year, though so early into development, it's difficult to tell if our effort has been paying off.

   The coding is not at the halfway point yet, but it's (kind of) getting there. Minigames pose a hurdle; otherwise, that surely would've been well on its way to being done. Luckily, the artist decided to begin working on the Royal Execution in advance, so it's been underway for a while now. Not yet close to finished, but every day brings us nearer!

  So basically, we've still got a long journey ahead of us. Stick around for more news as we continue forward with this process!

  Chapter 4 part 2 has an especially riveting storyline, containing tons of pivotal plot developments. You won't want to miss it!

  More in-depth updates should be coming soon~.

Get Last One Standing: Royal Massacre

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